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Your time to discover the White continent.

Antarctica, at times an unforgiving continent marked by harsh temperatures and rugged terrain, is home to a rich diversity of wildlife that inhabits the glaciers, mountains, bays, fjords, inlets, pebble beaches and rugged coastlines. The Antarctic Peninsula, for instance, is abundant with minke, humpback, right, blue, sperm and killer whales. Snow Hill Island, in the ice-choked Weddell Sea, is the site of one of the world’s largest colonies of Emperor penguins. Answer the call of Antarctica by flying over the notorious Drake Passage by charter plane to land at King George Island before exploring the Antarctic Peninsula by ship. In just 8 adventure-packed days, you’ll experience rewarding shore visits and Zodiac cruises, marvel at intimate wildlife encounters, explore historic sites and make the most of your landmark visit to the 7th Continent.

DAY 1: Arrive in Punta Arenas, Chile
Your adventure begins in Punta Arenas, Chile, the most populated city in southern Patagonia. If you arrive early, there are many museums, restaurants and shops to keep you busy for days. By early afternoon, a Quark Expeditions® representative will meet you at the official starting point hotel, where you’ll enjoy a welcome dinner and be briefed about preparing for your embarkation day.
DAY 2: Fly to King George Island and Embarkation
Your charter flight from Punta Arenas to Antarctica will have you crossing the legendary Drake Passage in only two hours. Far below, the ship will approach King George Island for your arrival. Your first glimpse of dramatic Antarctic landscapes will be from a unique perspective, as your plane descends for landing in the South Shetland Islands. After landing, stretch your legs with a one-mile (1.6 km) walk to the shore, before being transferred by Zodiac to your ship to set sail for the Antarctic Peninsula!
DAYS 3 to 6: Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands

There are few places in the world as evocative as Antarctica. As your ship approaches the White Continent, you may be overcome by feelings of excitement and awe. Antarctica is indescribable and can only be fully appreciated through your own eyes.

As your Captain and Expedition Team keep a lookout for whales and seabirds, you’ll be alerted to any new sightings. Our team of expert presenters will deepen your experience with explanations of the glaciology, history and wildlife of the region.

Even more exciting are your daily excursions. Your first Zodiac landing is something you’ll never forget! Walking on a beach dotted with penguins is the most intimate way to experience the unique wildlife of Antarctica.

Each landing is different and is dependent on weather, but every day presents new sightings and photo opportunities, and it won’t be long before you can tell the difference between an Adélie, gentoo and chinstrap penguin.

You may take a Zodiac cruise in search of whales and icebergs one day, followed by a hike to a penguin rookery the next day. From the booming sound of a calving glacier to the thrill of spotting apex predators like leopard seals and orcas in action, you’ll wake up early and welcome each day with a sense of adventure and a desire to explore during this unrivaled travel experience.

Your Expedition Team will accompany you all along the way, providing insights into the places you visit.

DAY 7: Disembarkation and Fly to Punta Arenas
Disembarkation and Fly to Punta Arenas After your week of exploration, you’ll say goodbye to your Expedition Team and disembark at King George Island. Your two-hour flight across the Drake Passage to Punta Arenas, Chile, brings your adventure to an end. After your group transfer to the hotel, you are free to explore and enjoy an evening on your own, in the city or at the hotel to reminisce about the sights and sounds of Antarctica.
DAY 8: Depart Punta Arenas
After breakfast, you are welcome to continue on your own travels or make your way to the Punta Arenas airport for your homeward flights.