Peace, luxurious comfort and an infinite distance from everyday cares.


per person

Peace, luxurious comfort and an infinite distance from everyday cares.

We have something special for you, luxurious and exciting African safari. Serengeti Bushtops is one of the world’s most comfortable safari destinations, in one of Africa’s most stunning locations, the Camp emerges from the heart of vast plains, surrounded by timeless vistas The package is a 4 day and 3 night tour. These is opportunitiy to rediscover insipring wildlife
safari of Africa , with each adventure balanced by time spent leisure.


Having flown in from Nairobi, Arusha or Kilimanjaro, the staff will meet you at Kogatende Airstrip (in the north western Serengeti). After your short drive from the airstrip to the camp, a leisurely lunch is followed by time acclimatizing, gazing around yourself and realising you’ve just arrived in the heart of the African Bush! As you settle in, you might swim in the pool, enjoy a massage on your private deck or simply stare blissfully into the distance. Then a late afternoon drive gives you the chance to explore the local wildlife and enjoy a drink against the setting sun, before heading for the wonders of a Serengeti Bushtops dinner.


After breakfast on your second day you set out for a full day’s game drive, including a sumptuous buffet lunch within the Serengeti National Park. This day-long adventure is likely to be the highlight of your stay, as the wonders of the Serengeti reveal themselves. With your own private hot tub and glass of something special that awaits your return to camp. It’s the ideal way to wind down before dinner.


On day three, the earlier you rise the more you will see along the Mara river (the divide between the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Mara in Kenya). After a Bush breakfast you return to camp at midday, to catch up on your beauty sleep. Alternatively (having pre-booked) you might choose an early morning balloon safari, which concludes with a champagne breakfast in the midst of the grasslands. In the afternoon, you can take life easy, enjoying the facilities at Serengeti Bushtops, lounging in your tent, heading for a swim or being pampered in the privacy of your verandah with a relaxing massage. Then perhaps an evening game drive beckons. As always, dinner provides a sumptuous counterpoint to the wildness of the day’s experiences.


One last natural wonder is left: the drive to the airstrip. This is your last opportunity to find something special in the landscape, so your ranger and spotter will be as keen as you are to pick out a final attraction to be captured as a parting memory, or on film forever. Finding something previously unseen makes the transition both pleasurable and poignant, ideally tempting you to start thinking that this is not the end of your African adventure.